Children's Ministry

Sunday School Registration:

Want to help greet our Sunday School families? Signup here:

Calendar (Sunday School Begins at 9am, Peacemakers at 6pm)

September 10th: First Day of Sunday School!

Peacemakers is our 4th-6th graders. They attend Sunday school on Sunday mornings, and then once a month on Friday evenings they get together for Bible study and games!

August 10th, 2022

Sunday School is back in full force this fall! The first day will be Sunday, September 11th, 2022, at 9am. We can not wait to see all of the kids back in the building for in person Sunday School!

To get registered go to

We can not wait to see you all there!

Mandy Moellering

June 26th, 2022

We are so excited to have Vacation Bible School back again this year! We’ve got a Monumental theme and so many wonderful games, activities, and stories. We would love to see you all there. Our Vacation Bible School will take place from 6-8:30pm July 31st-August 3rd. Back this year is a meal for families before Vacation Bible School starts for the evening from 5-6pm, so join us! Vacation Bible School is for children age 3-entering 6th grade this fall (all children must be potty trained).

To register go to

We can not wait to see you all there!

Katie Mohr, Angela Millard, Mandy Moellering, and Alison Merrill

February 10, 2021

We are continuing to invite all of our families to act out their favorite bible story on video so that we can show those during children’s time in worship on Sunday mornings.  These dramatizations are currently taking the place of Sunday School until we can meet in person again. Please contact Pastor Beth if you would like to sign up.

        This year we are also working on putting together something special for our families with children so that they can celebrate lent at home together. We are excited to announce we will have family lenten bags ready for pickup on Sunday, February 14th! (Lent begins February 17th). These bags are different than last year’s lent bags and will include more kids friendly and fun items to help engage our littles (and our teens!) in a family lenten experience this year.

Pastor Beth

Christmas nativity children’s time video

October 1, 2020

Children’s Ministry

Today is the first day of Autumn, with cooler temperatures, an earlier sunset each evening and a later sunrise each new morning. As we begin another season of the year with many precautions and restrictions still in place, we hope to move into another phase of our COVID re-entry plan. Our ministries are looking
different this fall, and children’s ministry is no exception. While we are not having a traditional Sunday School at the moment, we do want to share something exciting with you:

Sunday School Bible Missions
This year, we are inviting all of our families to act out their favorite bible story- VBS Style! These dramatizations will take the place of Sunday School and will air each week prior to our worship service at 9:45am. Sign ups and more information will be posted on our Facebook page, website, and through emails.

July 9, 2020

Vacation Bible School is finally here, and hello to all of the families participating!  We thank you for joining us for what is sure to be a fun, faith-filled adventure! We are so glad you have decided to participate in our first-ever virtual VBS! 

At Rocky Railway, kids explore Jesus’ power in them and how we can trust Jesus—not our own strength—to pull us through life’s challenges. COVID-19 has come through our lives like a freight train and derailed countless plans, routines, and expectations. This summer, more than ever, the Bible points for Rocky Railway are so relevant. We all need to trust Jesus’ power to pull us through these unprecedented times.

If you have not picked it up yet, your VBS packets are ready and available in the church office. The packets include:-10 page detailed Take Home packet, with instructions for each day of VBS, Bible buddies, and the Rocky Railway VBS CD.

As you participate in our Virtual VBS week, we want to set you up for success! Beginning this Monday, July 6, daily resources will be available through our partners at  . You are welcome to begin your VBS experience right away or wait until a time that works better for your family. All VBS materials will be available online until July 15. 

Each VBS day should take about an hour to complete, but feel free to take it at your own pace. The take home packet has more information on this, including suggested order for working through the materials. 

Each VBS day has 45 minutes worth of videos, which will guide you through worship, bible story, kidvid cinema, games, crafts, and our usual opening and closing worship sessions complete with VBS music! All videos can be found on the link above. 

Please make sure to follow special attention to our Family Ministry facebook page, @NLUMCFamilies, where we will post daily videos and challenges. 

In addition, we will have daily adventures that we encourage you to participate in with us:

Monday: Do from home water Day

Tuesday: Do from home neighborhood mission

Wednesday: Chalk the Church

Thursday: Do from home Painted Rocks

Friday: Share your favorite VBS memory  

More details on these daily activities will drop in your inbox and on our Facebook page at 9am everyday next week. 

Thanks for praising God and celebrating with your kids! Remember – you’re not just providing entertainment—you’re sharing a time of family spiritual growth. Having parents and siblings involved allows for discussion, and that’s where connections and deep discoveries are made. The beauty of this Virtual VBS is that you can do as little or as much as you like- when you like! Ready? Let’s help kids discover that Jesus’ power makes all the difference! Let’s TRUST JESUS!

Rev. Beth Graham

June 16th, 2020

with an ONLINE VBS that’s just the ticket.

This faith-filled adventure begins July 6th!
Kids ages 3 thru 4th grade will discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs.

As you prepare for VBS week, we want to set you up for success! After registering your family, we will send you an at-home guide that will help you along your journey. Beginning July 6, daily resources will be posted to our event page. You are welcome to begin your VBS experience right away on July 6 or wait until a time that works better for your family.

All VBS materials will be available online until July 15. Each VBS day should take about an hour to complete, but feel free to take it at your own pace.

Cost is $5 per family and includes the vbs cd, at home packet, and bible buddies.
Click HERE to Register 

May 8th, 2020

A Message from Pastor Beth:

Hi everyone! 
As a church, we are in the process of re-imagining what our ministries will look like over the next few months as we do a phased re-entry. While there are many exciting things to come, I want to present you with an incredible family opportunity this upcoming week: 
This challenge goes active the minute you read this, and you have from now until Saturday, May 16th at 8:00 PM to submit your pictures, videos, and points. Take a minute and look over the document attached- there is a HUGE list of things for everyone- some crazy,fun, and random tasks, as well as many others that will up serve our neighbors and love Christ. Do as many as you can, because the family that submits the most points by May 16th wins  meal delivery on behalf of me! I will choose one children’s ministry family and one youth ministry family as winners. 
Winners will be announced on Sunday, May 17th and the meal of their choice will be delivered that week. 
If you plan to participate in this challenge, let us know by responding to this email with a resounding, “WE ARE IN!!!”  Below is the downloadable link for the Challenge.

Rev. Beth Graham
Associate Pastor & Deacon First United Methodist Church
626-2762 Office
(580)279-2430 Cell

A note from Pastor Beth

“NLUMC Families,

I was hoping that Holy Week would find us in a position much different than this past month has. Unfortunately, the situation with COVID-19 is spreading and most of us are quarantined to our homes. I know it’s a trying time to say the least but I’m hoping that the ability to participate in these activities from home is bringing some joy in these uncertain times. Holy Week covers the time period between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Below I’ve outlined the seven days that represent Holy Week, what happened, and fitting activities and food ideas to go with them. Please discuss the parts of the story on the coinciding days and then do the craft/activity that follows. I know this is a little different than the way we normally do Church (all in one day) but I’m hoping that stretching it out and having a little bit for seven days straight will really bring families together to understand what happened every day during the Holy Week. I’m praying for the health and safety of our families and keeping my fingers crossed that we can meet, in person, again soon!

-Rev. Beth Graham 


April 5-12. 2020

Courtesy of Lindsey Goodyear and Messy Church USA 

Scripture Readings from Common English Bible”

Have you heard of the ‘At Home Hosana, At Home Hallelujah Community Art Project’ ?
We would love for all of our children and youth ministries to partake in this idea. It has a powerful messages of hope, kindness and peace. We’ve seen a lot of families already doing sidewalk messages as well as rainbow window hearts in support of our healthcare workers. We would REALLY LOVE if our Church families could help us spread messages of faith and post pictures or videos of your participation that would be shared through our online Services over Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER CHURCH! Here is the idea 👇

Hosanna Project:
Use what you have (sidewalk chalk, paper, paint, crayons, string, scraps of wood, etc.) to create a “Hosanna” banner/sign/message for Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020.
Tag your church on Instagram and use hashtag #athomehosanna

Hallelujah Project:
Use what you have (sidewalk chalk, paper, paint, crayons, string, scraps of wood, etc.) to create a “Hallelujah” banner/sign/message for Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020.
Tag your church on Instagram and use hashtag #athomehallelujah


Palm Sunday

Jesus and His disciples make their entrance into Jerusalem. Two of His disciples went ahead of the rest and brought a donkey for Jesus to ride. Jesus is greeted by crowds waving palm branches and exclaiming, “Hosanna to the son of David!”

Scripture: Luke 19: 37-38

“As Jesus approached the road leading down from the Mount of Olives, the whole throng of his disciples began rejoicing. They praised God with a our voice because of all the mighty things they had seen. They said, ‘Blessings on the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heavens.’”

Activity: Hosanna project

Need: Miscellaneous craft items from home. 

Use what you have (sidewalk chalk, paper, paint, crayons, string, scraps of wood, etc.) to create a “Hosanna” banner/sign/message for Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020.

As churches around the nation join us in this project, Tag your church on Instagram and Facebook and use hashtag #athomehosanna

Prayer: Faithful God, we give you praise this day! The people gathered to surround Jesus with shouts of praise, yet here we are at home to keep our neighbors safe by social distancing. We join our “Hosanna!” with people all over the world you are praising you this day. Be with us as we walk with Jesus during this coming week. In the name of Jesus, we pray, AMEN.

Food Idea: Since Jesus and his disciples were on their way to Jerusalem, take the opportunity to try some different foods from that region. Ideas include baklava, hummus, or Israeli salad.

Holy Monday

Jesus and His disciples go to Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus is frustrated with how people are treating this worship space. He turns over tables and declares, “My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves.”

Scripture: Luke 19: 45-46

“When Jesus entered the temple, he threw out those who were selling things there. Jesus said to them, “It’s written, my house will be a house of prayer, but you have made it a hideout for thieves”

Activity: Your House of Prayer 

Need: Paper, pencils, tape.

Create your own “house of prayer” by writing down reminders to pray. It can be specific prayers or just to pray in general, but write your thoughts on the paper and tape them up around the house. Mirrors, the refrigerator, the television, and doors are all good reminder places we will see frequently.

Prayer: God of all times, as we walk with Jesus as he walks toward to cross of Good Friday, be present with us in all of the twists and turns of this Holy Week story. In the name of Jesus, we pray, AMEN.

Food Idea: Donuts! There is a cute saying that goes, “Donut forget to pray!” Yes, it’s a cute saying but it also has a great message (plus your kids will love the sweet treat!)

Holy Tuesday

 On this day, we look at the story when Jesus and His disciples come across a fig tree as they walked through the streets of Jerusalem. Jesus used the fig tree to give a lesson about staying persistent when it seems that everything is falling apart. The leaves on the fig tree are beginning to sprout and Jesus tells his followers that it is a sign that the seasons are changing. Jesus then instructs them that when things are changing, they are to stay alert and pray for strength. Our world has changed through the Covid-19 pandemic but we can hear the voice of Jesus telling us to stay alert and to pray for strength.

Scripture: Luke 21: 29-31, 36

“Jesus told them a parable, “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see these things happening, you know that God’s kingdom is near…Stay alert at all times, praying that you are strong enough to endure everything that is about to happen and to stand before the Son of Man”

Activity: Pay Attention and Pray

   Need: Pencils, paper.

 Take a moment to reflect on what may be causing you anxiety today. Draw a picture or write it down on your paper. As a family, take turns sharing what it is you are feeling. Then as a family pray for strength during this time of uncertainty. Reach out to your Messy Church friends via social media or a phone call and let them know that you are also praying for them.

Prayer: Merciful God, during this time of uncertainty, we remember how Jesus told his disciples to stay alert and to pray for strength. Give us strength and courage this day. Thank you that you are with us in our anxiety and will never leave us alone. In the name of Jesus, we pray, AMEN.

Food Idea: Spaghetti! Heat up some spaghetti sauce on the stove and boil the water for noodles. As you wait for the noodles to boil, talk about how we never know the precise moment that the noodles will begin to boil but we know that through the heat, they eventually will boil. Just as we are patient for the noodles to boil, when we pray, we must also practice patience. We can rely on the faithfulness of Jesus to be with us always as we wait for things to fall into place in our lives. Then, mix your spaghetti sauce and noodles together and enjoy your spaghetti!

Holy Wednesday

 Today we look at the story of one of Jesus’s disciples, Judas, who goes to the religious leaders of the time who are disturbed by the teachings of Jesus and want to silence him by arresting him. Judas asks the religious leaders what they would give him if he helps them follow through with their plan to arrest Jesus. The men count out thirty silver coins and hand them to Judas. From that point on, Judas is looking for a time when he can help the leaders arrest Jesus.

Scripture: Luke 22: 3-6

“Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, who was one of the Twelve. He went out and discussed with the chief priests (religious leaders) and offiers of the temple guard how he could hand Jesus over to them. They were delighted and arranged payment for him. Judas agreed and began looking for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them—a time when the crowds would be absent.”

Activity: Collecting Silver

Need: Thirty pieces of silver.

Collect thirty pieces of silver and decide which organization you’d like to donate to. The silver can include nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, or any other coins of the same color.

Prayer: Forgiving God, there are times in our lives when we turn away from you and do not love others as Jesus teaches us to love. We ask for your forgiveness. Give us the courage to follow the teaching of Jesus to love one another. We thank you for your mercy. In the name of Jesus, we pray, AMEN.

Food Idea: Silver dollar pancakes. Mix together your favorite pancake batter and drop small amounts of batter onto the skillet. Cook thoroughly and enjoy!

Maundy Thursday

 On this Holy Thursday, Jesus and his disciples sat down together to celebrate the Passover. This was a special meal meant to remind everyone of how God saved the Israelites and brought them out of Egypt. Before they ate the meal, Jesus knelt down and washed his disciples’ feet. This was something that a servant would normally do and the disciples where shocked! But Jesus told them that they were to love one another like this, by serving one another. We call this day “Maundy” Thursday because “Maundy” means “mandate” – Jesus commanded his disciples to love one another the way Jesus loved them. At the end of the meal, frequently called “The Last Supper”, Jesus took bread and wine, which was tradition at the end of a Jewish meal, and he blessed them and told his followers to remember him whenever they gathered together. Later that Thursday night, Jesus is betrayed by Judas and taken to the house of one of the high priests where they begin to make a case against Him to use in a trial.

Scripture: Luke 22: 14, 19-20

“When the time came, Jesus took his place at the table, and the disciples joined him…After taking bread and giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, he took the cup after the mail and said, ‘This cup is the new covenant which is poured out for you.”

Activity: Cup Decorating

Need: Paper cup, stickers, markers, glitter, etc.

Decorate your paper cup any way you’d like so you can use it with your “last supper” meal.

Prayer: God of mercy, as we prepare this meal, we remember how Jesus told us to remember him whenever we break bread and share a cup with one another. We thank you for Jesus and for his love for us and we remember his teaching us to love one another. In the name of Jesus, we pray, AMEN

Food Idea: Mimic a last supper meal with your own family. Choose a family favorite meal and use this time to talk about what feelings Jesus might have been experiencing at His own supper. Then, use the unleavened bread (or crackers) and wine (you can also use grape juice) to recreate communion. There are lots of easy unleavened bread recipes online so encourage your kids to help bake as well- this is a GREAT activity for teenagers)!

Good Friday

Good Friday is, by far, the most somber and arduous day of the Holy Week. On this day, our savior Jesus Christ was wrongfully accused in illegal trials and sentenced to death via crucifixion. He was nailed to a wooden cross and suffered for many hours before His death. Friday evening, Jesus is taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb.

Scripture: Luke 23: 44-46

“It was now about noon, and darkness covered the whole earth until about three o’clock, while the sun stopped shining. Then the curtain in the sanctuary tore down the middle. Crying out in a loud voice, Jesus said, ‘Father, into your hands I entrust my life.’ After he said this, he breathed for the last time.”

Activity: Cross Art

Need: Paper, painter’s tape, paint, paint brushes.

Place the painter’s tape, in the shape of the cross, at the center of the piece of paper. Then, pick out your favorite colors to paint with. Paint the entire piece of paper (including over the top of the tape) and wait for it to dry. When it has dried, carefully pull the painter’s tape off to reveal a beautiful white cross among your artwork. 

Alternatively, have older kids collect pieces of wood from outside to create a cross, or ask them to create a cross using miscellaneous materials from home. 

Prayer: Be with us this day, O God, as we remember that Jesus died upon a cross many years ago. We are sad yet we know that you are with us no matter how we feel. Thank you that your love for us is stronger than death. In the name of Jesus, we pray, AMEN.

Food Idea: Make a rectangle pan of Rice Krispy Treats and empty it onto a cutting board. Cut the rectangle into a large cross and have fun decorating it with sprinkles and frosting before enjoying the delicious treat!

Holy Saturday

 This day in the Holy Week is the day Jesus lay in the tomb. While many of his disciples had fled the scene, some of the women who followed Jesus stayed behind. They buried Jesus in a borrowed tomb on Friday before the Sabbath began. The tomb was then sealed tightly and guarded by Roman soldiers. On Saturday we remember how Jesus’ disciples must have felt, thinking that everything was over, knowing that Jesus was dead.

Scripture: Luke 23: 55-56

“The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph of Arimathea. They saw the tomb and how Jesus’ body was laid in it. Then they went away and prepared fragrant spices and perfumed oils. They rested on the Sabbath in keeping with the commandment.

Activity: Moment of Silence 

Need: Just yourself.

Take a moment out of your day as an individual or as a family and just be silent. Use this time to reflect on what happened to Jesus and the miracle that is to come. You can also use this time to pray if you’d like.

Prayer: We rest in your love, O God as we keep silence this day. We wait for the coming of the dawn of Easter light. In the name of Jesus, we pray, AMEN

Food Idea: We’re quietest when we sleep so let’s make food that makes us sleepy. Turkey has a naturally occurring amino acid that blocks proteins. Normally after consuming it, we become very sleepy. Make your families own favorite turkey dish and get some rest!

Easter Sunday

The Bible says that early on the first day of the week, the women went to the tomb to finish preparing Jesus’ body for burial. When the women got to the tomb, they discovered that the tomb was empty! The large boulder that covered the entrance to the tomb had been rolled away and Jesus was gone. An angel appeared to the women and told them they need not be afraid. Jesus had risen! The women went back to the other disciples to tell them all they had seen.

Scripture: Luke 24: 1-6

“Very early in the morning on the first day of week, the women went to the tomb, bringing the fragrant spices they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they didn’t find the body of the Lord Jesus. They didn’t know what to make of this. Suddenly, two men were standing beside them in gleaming bright clothing. The women were frightened and bowed their faces toward the ground, but the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He isn’t hear, but has been raised. He is ALIVE!’ “

Activity: Hallelujah Project 

Need: Whatever items you can use lying around at home. 

Use what you have (sidewalk chalk, paper, paint, crayons, string, scraps of wood, etc.) to create a “Hallelujah” banner/sign/message for Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020.

As churches around the nation participate in this, Tag your church on Instagram and Facebook and use hashtag #athomehallelujah
Prayer: God of life, we have experienced many different emotions this past week and today we are jumping up and down in joyful exuberance. Jesus is alive! What a surprise to remember that in the midst of dark times, you surprise us with new life. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! In the name of the risen Jesus we pray. AMEN.

March 29th, 2020

Hi NLUMC Families!
Can you believe it? Easter is coming soon! In preparation for the Holy Week, we’re learning about some of the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus. This week, we’ll be hearing about Jesus’ last supper with His disciples. 
When you’re ready, watch the lesson video with your kids. It’s fun for the whole family and there is an opportunity to pause and discuss. Afterwards, there are two great worship videos for you to choose from: one is for older kids and one is for younger kids. (You can find all of the videos here.)

March 22nd, 2020

Join us ONLINE!

Hi Children’s Ministry parents!

We might not be able to meet in person, but church is still kickin’! This is proof that the body of Christ cannot and should not be contained by 4 walls.

With that in mind, we’re so excited to share this video resource with you and your children. Watch it together as a family and answer the discussion questions when prompted. The video is in the style of a fun morning talk show for kids. Both you and your kids will LOVE it! And best of all, it’s designed to help your children learn and grow in their walk with Jesus. (Click here to access the video on YouTube.)

Here is a snapshot of the lesson details for this week:

Bible Story: Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-17)

Big Idea: Jesu ed others and wants us to do the same.

Memory Verse: “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last. They must be the servant of everyone.” Mark 9:35 (NIrV)

If you do not already follow us on Facebook (NLUMC Families), please do so! Every weekday we will be posting activities for you and your children to do together that align with the week’s lesson.

Don’t forget to check back here each week for a new lesson!

Finally, I want to leave you with a blessing based on Philippians 4:7. I think it’s fitting for these challenging times. May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard the hearts and minds of you and your family in Christ Jesus. Amen.

In Him,

Rev. Beth Graham

Sunday School Kick off, September 8th, 2019
Sunday School Group Session, September 15th, 2019.
On Sunday, September 28th, Our Second Graders and a few of our older children received their own Bibles. It is an exciting time for them as they can explore the word of God of their own.
Children’s Christmas Program December 15th, 2019

Sunday School

Join us for an exciting time of teaching and learning each Sunday from September to May at 9:00 AM.

*Children’s Choir meets before Sunday School at 8:45 AM- 9:00 AM each week in the Music Room for grades Second and up .

Our Children’s Ministry offers Sunday School for kids ages 3 years old (and potty trained) through Sixth grade. This year, we are excited to announce that we will be exploring a new VBS format. Children will gather together for worship, bible stories,and a bible verse memory time before rotating with Sunday School crews through crafts, science experiments, and games. We are very excited to engage with the children and and help them learn more about God on this new adventure! 

If you are interested in signing up your child for Sunday School, here is the registration link:

Michelle Haren is our Sunday School Coordinator. For more information please contact her at:


Peacemakers is for preteens in Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades. We know preteens are unique and different than anyone else. They are beginning to think for themselves and transitioning from childhood to adolescence. But most importantly, they want to “own” their relationship with Jesus. This group gathers on the SECOND Friday of each month (locations vary).