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Worship Services

We are a vibrant, active, and enthusiastic church with a wide variety of opportunities. Our congregation supports a diverse community of people from many walks of life.

The church is an ever-moving hub of activity throughout the week. We pause on Sunday for a casual family-friendly worship.

8:00 AM Traditional Service: Our traditional service provides a connection to the heritage of the church through hymns, group prayers, shared prayer concerns, a sermon, and music by our Grace Notes choir group. Communion is usually on the first Sunday of the month.

10:00 AM Contemporary Service: Our blended service is full of life and children. Ministry Moment, prayers, joys and concerns and the sermon are the major parts of this service. We frequently have presentations from the Children’s Choir, Chime Bar, Acabella and we have upbeat music every week from our Mission Band. Communion is typically on the first Sunday of the month.

1:30 PM Philadelphia Congolese Service: Our Congolese Service delves deep into the rich traditions, music and history of its African-American churches and religious institutions.

Childcare is provided during our 10am worship for children under 4 years old! Let our caring staff take care of your little ones, so that you can fully enjoy service.

Communion is open to ALL people. Children are welcome to receive communion or a blessing at the discretion of their parents.

Offering of money to continue God’s work in the life and support of the church is expected from our members and regular attendees. We feel that your presence as a visitor is the gift you bring to our service.

Info Stubs are provided at each Sunday Service at the welcome desk. These slips provide written communication for the Church Office. Such as: Prayer Requests and other information like: your current address, phone numbers or email addresses you would like to give us.

Please join us after services in The Fellowship Hall for coffee, tea, juice, water and baked goods which are made available by  Heavenly Sweets.

If you are interested in having a wedding or a baptism here please contact the Church Office. Call Kara at: (319) 626-2762 or email her at: